Time zones
List of examples:
- Creating a new time zone
- Updating a time zone
- Updating multiple time zones
- Deleting a time zone
- Converting time to the current user’s time zone
Creating a new time zone
// Creates a new time zone object
CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo newTimezone = new CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo();
// Sets the time zone properties
newTimezone.TimeZoneDisplayName = "New time zone";
newTimezone.TimeZoneName = "NewTimezone";
newTimezone.TimeZoneGMT = -12;
newTimezone.TimeZoneDaylight = true;
newTimezone.TimeZoneRuleStartRule = "MAR|SUN|1|LAST|3|0|1";
newTimezone.TimeZoneRuleEndRule = "OCT|SUN|1|LAST|3|0|0";
// Saves the new time zone into the database
Updating a time zone
// Gets the time zone
CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo updateTimezone = CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo.Provider.Get("NewTimezone");
if (updateTimezone != null)
// Updates the time zone properties
updateTimezone.TimeZoneDisplayName = updateTimezone.TimeZoneDisplayName.ToLower();
// Saves the changes to the database
Updating multiple time zones
// Prepares the where condition
string where = "TimeZoneName LIKE N'NewTimezone%'";
// Gets all time zones whose name starts with 'NewTimezone'
var timezones = CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo.Provider.Get().Where(where);
// Loops through the individual time zones
foreach (CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo timezone in timezones)
// Updates the time zone's properties
timezone.TimeZoneDisplayName = timezone.TimeZoneDisplayName.ToUpper();
// Saves the changes to the database
Deleting a time zone
// Gets the time zone
CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo deleteTimezone = CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo.Provider.Get("NewTimezone");
if (deleteTimezone != null)
// Deletes the time zone
Converting time to the current user’s time zone
// Gets the current user
UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetFullUserInfo(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID);
// Checks that the user exists
if (user != null)
// Gets the current time converted to the user's time zone
DateTime convertedTime = TimeZoneHelper.ConvertToUserDateTime(DateTime.Now, user);