Bad words

List of examples:

Creating a bad word

// Creates a new bad word object
BadWordInfo newWord = new BadWordInfo();

// Sets the bad word properties
newWord.WordExpression = "testbadword";
newWord.WordAction = BadWordActionEnum.ReportAbuse;
newWord.WordIsGlobal = true;
newWord.WordIsRegularExpression = false;

// Saves the bad word to the database

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Updating a bad word

// Prepares a condition for loading a specific bad word
string where = "[WordExpression] = 'testbadword'";

// Gets the bad word based on the condition
InfoDataSet<BadWordInfo> words = BadWordInfoProvider.GetBadWords(where, null);
BadWordInfo word = (BadWordInfo)words.Items.FirstItem;

// Updates the bad word properties
word.WordAction = BadWordActionEnum.Replace;
word.WordReplacement = "good";

// Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple bad words

// Prepares a condition for loading all bard words containing the word 'bad'
string where = "WordExpression LIKE N'%bad%'";

// Gets the bad words based on the condition
InfoDataSet<BadWordInfo> words = BadWordInfoProvider.GetBadWords(where, null);

// Loops through individual bad words
foreach (BadWordInfo word in words)
    // Updates the properties
    word.WordAction = BadWordActionEnum.Replace;
    word.WordReplacement = "good";

    // Saves the updated bad word

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Checking text for a bad word

// Prepares a condition for loading a specific bad word
string where = "[WordExpression] = 'testbadword'";

// Gets the bad word based on the condition
InfoDataSet<BadWordInfo> words = BadWordInfoProvider.GetBadWords(where, null);

if (words.Items.Count > 0)
    // Gets the object representing the bad word from the collection of results
    BadWordInfo badWord = (BadWordInfo)words.Items.FirstItem;

    // Creates a string to be checked for the presence of the bad word
    string text = "This is a string containing the sample testbadword";

    // Creates a hashtable that will contain found bad words
    Hashtable foundWords = new Hashtable();

    // Modifies the string according to the found bad words and returns the action which should be performed
    BadWordActionEnum action = BadWordInfoProvider.CheckBadWord(badWord, null, null, ref text, foundWords, 0);

    if (foundWords.Count != 0)
        switch (action)
            case BadWordActionEnum.Deny:
                // Perform additional actions here

            case BadWordActionEnum.RequestModeration:
                // Perform additional actions here

            case BadWordActionEnum.Remove:
                // Perform additional actions here

            case BadWordActionEnum.Replace:
                // Perform additional actions here

            case BadWordActionEnum.ReportAbuse:
                // Perform additional actions here

            case BadWordActionEnum.None:
                // Perform additional actions here
        // The bad word is not present in the checked string

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Checking text for all bad words defined in the system

// Creates a string to be checked for the presence of bad words
string text = "This is a string containing the sample testbadword.";

// Creates a hashtable that will contain found bad words
Hashtable foundWords = new Hashtable();

// Modifies the string according to the found bad words and returns the action which should be performed
BadWordActionEnum action = BadWordInfoProvider.CheckAllBadWords(null, null, ref text, foundWords);

if (foundWords.Count != 0)
    switch (action)
        case BadWordActionEnum.Deny:
            // Perform additional actions here

        case BadWordActionEnum.RequestModeration:
            // Perform additional actions here

        case BadWordActionEnum.Remove:
            // Perform additional actions here

        case BadWordActionEnum.Replace:
            // Perform additional actions here

        case BadWordActionEnum.ReportAbuse:
            // Perform additional actions here

        case BadWordActionEnum.None:
            // Perform additional actions here
    // The bad words are not present in the checked string

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Deleting a bad word

// Prepares a condition for loading a specific bad word
string where = "[WordExpression] = 'testbadword'";

// Gets the bad word based on the condition
InfoDataSet<BadWordInfo> words = BadWordInfoProvider.GetBadWords(where, null);
BadWordInfo word = (BadWordInfo)words.Items.FirstItem;

if (word != null)
    // Deletes the bad word

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