
List of examples:

Page creation

Creating pages in a site’s content tree

// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the current site's root "/" page, which will serve as the parent page
TreeNode parentPage = tree.SelectNodes()

if (parentPage != null)
    // Creates a new page of the "CMS.MenuItem" page type
    TreeNode newPage = TreeNode.New(SystemDocumentTypes.MenuItem, tree);

    // Sets the properties of the new page
    newPage.DocumentName = "Articles";
    newPage.DocumentCulture = "en-us";

    // Inserts the new page as a child of the parent page

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Creating a new culture version of an existing page

// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets an existing page in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Sets new values in the "DocumentName" and "ArticleTitle" fields of the page
    page.DocumentName = "Translated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Translated article title");

    // Inserts a new version of the page in the "de-de" culture
    // Note that the culture must be assigned to the current site

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Creating a linked page

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the page that will be linked
TreeNode originalPage = tree.SelectNodes()

// Gets the page that will be used as a parent page for the linked page
TreeNode parentPage = tree.SelectNodes()

if ((originalPage != null) && (parentPage != null))
    // Inserts a new linked page under the parent page

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Page management

Updating published pages

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the published version of pages stored under the "/Articles/" path
// The pages are retrieved from the Dancing Goat site and in the "en-us" culture
var pages = tree.SelectNodes()
    .Path("/Articles/", PathTypeEnum.Children)
    .WhereLike("DocumentName", "Coffee%")

// Updates the "DocumentName" and "ArticleTitle" fields of each retrieved page
foreach (TreeNode page in pages)
    page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article title");

    // Updates the page in the database

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Updating the latest edited version of pages (pages under workflow)

// Gets the latest edited version of article pages stored under the '/Articles/' path
// The pages are retrieved from the Dancing Goat site and in the "en-us" culture
var pages = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments()
    .Path("/Articles/", PathTypeEnum.Children)
    .WhereLike("DocumentName", "Coffee%")

// Note: When updating pages under workflow or versioning, always retrieve pages with all columns to avoid data loss.
// Either call the 'GetDocuments' method with a class name parameter for a specific page type,
// or specify the page types using the 'Types' method and then call 'WithCoupledColumns'.

// Updates the "DocumentName" and "ArticleTitle" fields of each retrieved page
foreach (TreeNode page in pages)
    // Ensures that a new version of the updated page is created
    // Checks out the page if using content locking

    page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article title");

    // Updates the page in the database

    // Creates a new version of the updated page
    // Checks in the page if using content locking

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// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets an existing page in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Updates the "DocumentName" and "ArticleTitle" fields of the page
    page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article name");

    // Gets a List of the fields that were updated
    var changedColumns = page.ChangedColumns();

    // Check if search is enabled for the page and that the modified fields are included in search indexes
    if (DocumentHelper.IsSearchTaskCreationAllowed(page) && DocumentHelper.SearchFieldChanged(page, changedColumns))
        // Creates search tasks for updating the content of the page in related search indexes
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Update, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, page.GetSearchID(), page.DocumentID);

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Copying a page

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the page that will be copied
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

// Gets the parent page under which the copy will be created
TreeNode targetPage = tree.SelectNodes()

if ((page != null) && (targetPage != null))
    // Copies the page to the new location, including any child pages
    tree.CopyNode(page, targetPage, true);

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Moving a page

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the page that will be moved
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

// Gets the new parent page under which the page will be moved
TreeNode targetPage = tree.SelectNodes()

if ((page != null) && (targetPage != null))
    // Moves the page to the new location, including any child pages
    tree.MoveNode(page, targetPage, true);

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Changing the order of individual pages in the content tree

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the page
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Moves the page up in the content tree

    // Moves the page down in the content tree

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Sorting pages in the content tree

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the parent page
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    bool orderIsAscending = true;

    // Sorts all child pages under the specified parent page alphabetically in ascending order                  
    tree.SortNodesAlphabetically(page.NodeID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, orderIsAscending);

    // Sorts all child pages under the specified parent page ascendingly based on the last modification date
    tree.SortNodesByDate(page.NodeID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, orderIsAscending);

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Page deletion

Deleting a page in a single culture

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the culture version of the page that will be deleted
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Deletes the page and moves it to the recycle bin (only the specified culture version)

    // Creates search tasks that remove the deleted page from the content of related search indexes
    if (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled)
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Delete, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, page.GetSearchID(), page.DocumentID);

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Deleting all culture versions of a page

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the page that will be deleted
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Deletes all culture versions of the page to the recycle bin

    // Creates search tasks that remove the deleted page from the content of related search indexes
    if (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled)
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Delete, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, page.GetSearchID(), page.DocumentID);

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Restoring pages from the recycle bin

// Gets the "/Articles/On-Roasts" page from the recycle bin for the current site
VersionHistoryInfo pageVersion = VersionHistoryInfoProvider.GetVersionHistories()
                                                                .WhereEquals("VersionNodeAliasPath", "/Articles/On-Roasts")
                                                                .WhereEquals("NodeSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)

// Checks that the deleted page exists in the recycle bin
if (pageVersion != null)
    // Creates a new version manager instance and restores the deleted page from the recycle bin
    VersionManager manager = VersionManager.GetInstance(new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser));

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Permanently deleting pages

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the culture version of the page that will be deleted
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    bool deleteAllCultureVersions = true;
    bool deletePermanently = true;

    // Permanently deletes all culture versions of the page and its version history
    page.Delete(deleteAllCultureVersions, deletePermanently);

    // Creates search tasks that remove the deleted page from the content of related search indexes
    if (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled)
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Delete, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, page.GetSearchID(), page.DocumentID);

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Page aliases

Creating a page alias

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the "Articles" page on the current site
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

if (page != null)
    // Creates a new page alias object
    DocumentAliasInfo newAlias = new DocumentAliasInfo();

    // Sets the properties of the new alias
    newAlias.AliasURLPath = "/News";
    newAlias.AliasNodeID = page.NodeID;
    newAlias.AliasSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

    // Saves the page alias to the database
    DocumentAliasInfoProvider.SetDocumentAliasInfo(newAlias, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

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Updating page aliases

// Creates an instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets the "Articles" page on the current site
TreeNode page = tree.SelectNodes()

// Gets all aliases of the specified page
var aliases = DocumentAliasInfoProvider.GetDocumentAliases()
                                            .WhereEquals("AliasNodeID", page.NodeID)
                                            .WhereEquals("AliasSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Loops through the page's aliases
foreach (DocumentAliasInfo alias in aliases)
    // Updates the "AliasExtensions" of the alias to include only the ".html" extension
    alias.AliasExtensions = ".html";

    // Saves the updated page alias to the database
    DocumentAliasInfoProvider.SetDocumentAliasInfo(alias, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

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Deleting page aliases

// Gets all aliases of the '/Articles' page on the current site
var aliases = DocumentAliasInfoProvider.GetDocumentAliases()
                                            .WhereEquals("AliasURLPath", "/Articles")
                                            .WhereEquals("AliasSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Loops through the aliases
foreach (DocumentAliasInfo deleteAlias in aliases)
    // Deletes the page alias

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