Smart search

List of examples:

Search indexes

Creating a search index

// Creates a new search index object
SearchIndexInfo newIndex = new SearchIndexInfo();

// Sets the search index properties
newIndex.IndexDisplayName = "New index";
newIndex.IndexName = "NewIndex";
newIndex.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
newIndex.IndexAnalyzerType = SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
newIndex.StopWordsFile = "";

// Sets the index type to Pages
newIndex.IndexType = TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE;

/* The possible IndexType values are:
 * Pages: TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE
 * Pages crawler: SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX
 * Custom tables: CustomTableInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_CUSTOMTABLE
 * Users: UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE
 * Forums: PredefinedObjectType.FORUM)
 * On-line forms: SearchHelper.ONLINEFORMINDEX
 * General: SearchHelper.GENERALINDEX
 * Custom: SearchHelper.CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX

// Saves the search index to the database

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Updating a search index

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo updateIndex = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");
if (updateIndex != null)
    // Updates the index properties
    updateIndex.IndexDisplayName = updateIndex.IndexDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple search indexes

// Gets all smart search indexes whose code name starts with 'New'
var indexes = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexes().WhereStartsWith("IndexName", "New");

// Loops through individual search indexes
foreach (SearchIndexInfo index in indexes)
    // Updates the index properties
    index.IndexDisplayName = index.IndexDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified index to the database

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Configuring the Indexed content settings for search indexes

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");

if (index != null)
    // Creates new index settings
    SearchIndexSettingsInfo indexSettings = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();

    // Configures the indexed content properties (for a Page index in this case)
    indexSettings.IncludeBlogs = true;
    indexSettings.IncludeForums = true;
    indexSettings.IncludeMessageCommunication = true;
    indexSettings.ClassNames = ""; // Allows indexing for all page types
    indexSettings.Path = "/%";
    indexSettings.Type = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;

    // Saves the index settings to the database and assigns them to the search index
    SearchIndexSettings settings = new SearchIndexSettings();
    index.IndexSettings = settings;

    // Saves the search index to the database

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Assigning a search index to a site

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");
if (index != null)
    // Assigns the index to the current site
    SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(index.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

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Removing a search index from a site

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo removeIndex = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");
if (removeIndex != null)
    // Gets the relationship between the index and the current site
    SearchIndexSiteInfo indexSite = SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexSiteInfo(removeIndex.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    // Removes the index from the site

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Assigning a culture to a page search index

// Gets the page search index and culture
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

if ((index != null) && (culture != null))
    // Assigns the culture to the index
    SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(index.IndexID, culture.CultureID);

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Removing a culture from a page search index

// Gets the page search index and culture
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

if ((index != null) && (culture != null))
    // Gets the relationship between the index and the culture
    SearchIndexCultureInfo indexCulture = SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexCultureInfo(index.IndexID, culture.CultureID);

    // Removes the culture from the index

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Deleting a search index

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo deleteIndex = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");

if (deleteIndex != null)
    // Deletes the search index

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Search actions

Rebuilding a search index

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");

if (index != null)
    // Creates a rebuild task for the index.
    // The rebuild task will be processed as part of the next request handled by the application,
    // or by a scheduled task if the application is configured to handle search tasks using the scheduler.
    SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, null, null, index.IndexName, index.IndexID);

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Using an index to search through text

// Gets the search index
SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("NewIndex");

if (index != null)
    // Prepares the search parameters
    SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
        SearchFor = "home",
        SearchSort = "##SCORE##",
        Path = "/%",
        CurrentCulture = "EN-US",
        DefaultCulture = CultureHelper.EnglishCulture.IetfLanguageTag,
        CombineWithDefaultCulture = false,
        CheckPermissions = false,
        SearchInAttachments = false,
        User = (UserInfo)MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser,
        SearchIndexes = index.IndexName,
        StartingPosition = 0,
        DisplayResults = 100,
        NumberOfProcessedResults = 100,
        NumberOfResults = 0,
        AttachmentWhere = String.Empty,
        AttachmentOrderBy = String.Empty,
        ClassNames = ""
        /* The 'SearchParameters.ClassNames' property only limits the attachment search,
        not the results of the basic SearchHelper.Search method. You can limit class names (page types)
        by adding a Lucene search condition to the text of the 'SearchFor' query. */

    // Performs the search and saves the results into a DataSet
    System.Data.DataSet results = SearchHelper.Search(parameters);

    if (parameters.NumberOfResults > 0)
        // The search found at least one matching result, and you can handle the results


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Creating an update task for search indexes

// Gets a TreeProvider instance
TreeProvider provider = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Gets a page from the current site
TreeNode node = provider.SelectNodes()

// Checks that the page exists and has search allowed
if ((node != null) && DocumentHelper.IsSearchTaskCreationAllowed(node))
    // Edits and saves the page
    node.DocumentName += " changed";

    // Creates a smart search update task for the page (for all search indexes that cover the given page)
    SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Update, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, node.GetSearchID(), node.DocumentID);

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