
List of examples:


Creating an anonymous customer

// Creates a new customer object
CustomerInfo newCustomer = new CustomerInfo
    // Sets the customer properties
    CustomerFirstName = "Joe",
    CustomerLastName = "Smith",
    CustomerEmail = "smith@localhost.local",
    CustomerEnabled = true,
    CustomerSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID

// Saves the anonymous customer to the database

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Creating a registered customer

// Creates a new user
UserInfo newUser = new UserInfo
    // Sets the user properties
    UserName = "Smith",
    UserEnabled = true

// Sets the user's privilege level

// Saves the user to the database

// Assigns the user to the current site
UserInfoProvider.AddUserToSite(newUser.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Creates a new customer object
CustomerInfo newCustomer = new CustomerInfo
    // Sets the customer properties (e.g. assigns the customer to the user)
    CustomerFirstName = "Joe",
    CustomerLastName = "Smith",
    CustomerEmail = "smith@localhost.local",
    CustomerEnabled = true,
    CustomerUserID = newUser.UserID

// Saves the registered customer to the database

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Updating a customer

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                                .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")
if (customer != null)
    // Updates the customer's properties
    customer.CustomerLastName = customer.CustomerLastName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple customers

// Gets all customers whose last name starts with 'Sm'
var customers = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers().WhereStartsWith("CustomerLastName", "Sm");

// Loops through the customers
foreach (CustomerInfo modifyCustomer in customers)
    // Updates the customer's properties
    modifyCustomer.CustomerLastName = modifyCustomer.CustomerLastName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting customers

// Gets all customers whose last name starts with 'Sm'
var customers = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers().WhereStartsWith("CustomerLastName", "Sm");

// Loops through the customers
foreach (CustomerInfo deleteCustomer in customers)
    // Deletes the related user for registered customers
    UserInfo user = deleteCustomer.CustomerUser;
    if (user != null)

    // Deletes the customer

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Customer addresses

Creating an address

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

// Gets a country for the address
CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo("USA");

// Gets a state for the address
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama");

if ((customer != null) && (country != null))
    // Creates a new address object and sets its properties
    AddressInfo newAddress = new AddressInfo
        AddressName = "New address",
        AddressLine1 = "Address line 1",
        AddressLine2 = "Address line 2",
        AddressCity = "Address city",
        AddressZip = "Address ZIP code",
        AddressIsBilling = true,
        AddressIsShipping = false,
        AddressIsCompany = false,
        AddressEnabled = true,
        AddressPersonalName = customer.CustomerInfoName,
        AddressCustomerID = customer.CustomerID,
        AddressCountryID = country.CountryID,
        AddressStateID = state.StateID

    // Saves the address to the dataabase

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Updating an address

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

if (customer != null)
    // Gets the first enabled address stored for the customer
    AddressInfo address = AddressInfoProvider.GetAddresses()
                                                  .WhereEquals("AddressCustomerID", customer.CustomerID)
                                                  .WhereEquals("AddressEnabled", 1)

    if (address != null)
        // Updates the address properties
        address.AddressName = address.AddressName.ToLowerCSafe();

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple addresses

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

if (customer != null)
    // Gets all addresses stored for the customer
    var addresses = AddressInfoProvider.GetAddresses().WhereEquals("AddressCustomerID", customer.CustomerID);

    // Loops through the addresses
    foreach (AddressInfo modifyAddress in addresses)
        // Updates the address properties
        modifyAddress.AddressName = modifyAddress.AddressName.ToUpper();

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting an address

// Gets the address
AddressInfo address = AddressInfoProvider.GetAddresses()
                                              .WhereStartsWith("AddressName", "New")

if (address != null)
    // Deletes the address

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Customer email campaigns

Subscribing customers to an email campaign

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

// Gets the email campaign
NewsletterInfo customerNewsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("CorporateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((customer != null) && (customerNewsletter != null))
    // Creates a new object representing a subscription to an email campaign (newsletter)
    SubscriberNewsletterInfo subscription = new SubscriberNewsletterInfo();

    // Attempts to get an existing subscriber with the customer's email address
    SubscriberInfo customerExistingSubscriber = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(customer.CustomerEmail, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    // Checks if the customer is already a subscriber
    if (customerExistingSubscriber != null)
        // Assigns the existing subscriber to the subscription
        subscription.SubscriberID = customerExistingSubscriber.SubscriberID;
        // Creates a new subscriber object (performed if a subscriber with the customer's email does not exist yet)
        SubscriberInfo customerSubscriber = new SubscriberInfo();

        // Sets the subscriber's properties
        customerSubscriber.SubscriberEmail = customer.CustomerEmail;
        customerSubscriber.SubscriberLastName = customer.CustomerLastName;
        customerSubscriber.SubscriberSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

        // Saves the new subscriber

        // Assigns the subscriber to the subscription
        subscription.SubscriberID = customerSubscriber.SubscriberID;

    // Assigns the subscription to the email campaign
    subscription.NewsletterID = customerNewsletter.NewsletterID;
    subscription.SubscribedWhen = DateTime.Now;

    // Saves the subscription

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Unsubscribing customers from email campaigns

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

// Gets the subscriber with the customer's email address
SubscriberInfo subscriber = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(customer.CustomerEmail, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if (subscriber != null)
    // Gets the subscriber's subscriptions to all email campaigns
    var subscriptions = SubscriberNewsletterInfoProvider.GetSubscriberNewsletters()
                                                            .WhereEquals("SubscriberID", subscriber.SubscriberID);

    // Loops through all subscriptions
    foreach (SubscriberNewsletterInfo subscription in subscriptions)
        // Unsubscribes the subscriber from the email campaign

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Customer wishlists

Adding products to a wishlist

// Gets the product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                   .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
var customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                   .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

if ((customer != null) && (product != null))
    // Adds the product to the customer's wishlist
    WishlistItemInfoProvider.AddSKUToWishlist(customer.CustomerUserID, product.SKUID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

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Removing products from a wishlist

// Gets the product
var product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

// Gets the first customer whose last name is 'Smith'
CustomerInfo customer = CustomerInfoProvider.GetCustomers()
                                            .WhereEquals("CustomerLastName", "Smith")

if ((customer != null) && (product != null))
    // Gets the product from the wishlist
    WishlistItemInfo wishlistItem = WishlistItemInfoProvider.GetWishlistItemInfo(customer.CustomerUserID, product.SKUID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    if (wishlistItem != null)
        // Removes the product from the wishlist

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