Tax classes

List of examples:

Tax classes

Creating a new tax class

// Creates a new tax class object
TaxClassInfo newClass = new TaxClassInfo();

// Sets the tax class properties
newClass.TaxClassDisplayName = "New class";
newClass.TaxClassName = "NewClass";
newClass.TaxClassSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

// Saves the tax class to the database

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Updating a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo updateClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
if (updateClass != null)
    // Updates the tax class properties
    updateClass.TaxClassDisplayName = updateClass.TaxClassDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple tax classes

// Gets all tax classes whose code name starts with 'NewClass'
var classes = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClasses().WhereStartsWith("TaxClassName", "NewClass");

// Loops through the tax classes
foreach (TaxClassInfo modifyClass in classes)
    // Updates the tax class properties
    modifyClass.TaxClassDisplayName = modifyClass.TaxClassDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Assigning tax classes to products and shipping options

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets a department
DepartmentInfo department = DepartmentInfoProvider.GetDepartmentInfo("NewDepartment", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets all products in the specified department
var products = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs().WhereEquals("SKUDepartmentID", department.DepartmentID);

// Gets a shipping option
ShippingOptionInfo shippingOption = ShippingOptionInfoProvider.GetShippingOptionInfo("NewOption", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (taxClass != null)
    if (department != null)
        // Assigns the tax class as the default class of the specified department
        DepartmentTaxClassInfoProvider.AddTaxClassToDepartment(taxClass.TaxClassID, department.DepartmentID);

    // Assigns the tax class to the specified products
    foreach (SKUInfo product in products)
        SKUTaxClassInfoProvider.AddTaxClassToSKU(taxClass.TaxClassID, product.SKUID);

    if (shippingOption != null)
        // Assigns the tax class to the specified shipping option
        ShippingOptionTaxClassInfoProvider.AddTaxClassToShippingOption(shippingOption.ShippingOptionID, taxClass.TaxClassID);

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Deleting a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo deleteClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (deleteClass != null)
    // Deletes the tax class

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Tax values for countries

Setting a country tax value for a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the country
CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo("USA");

if ((taxClass != null) && (country != null))
    // Creates a new object representing the tax class-country relationship
    TaxClassCountryInfo newTaxCountry = new TaxClassCountryInfo();

    // Sets the tax value for the given country within the tax class
    newTaxCountry.TaxClassID = taxClass.TaxClassID;
    newTaxCountry.CountryID = country.CountryID;
    newTaxCountry.TaxValue = 10;

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating a country tax value of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the country
CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo("USA");

if ((taxClass != null) && (country != null))
    // Gets the object representing the tax class-country relationship
    TaxClassCountryInfo updateTaxCountry = TaxClassCountryInfoProvider.GetTaxClassCountryInfo(country.CountryID, taxClass.TaxClassID);
    if (updateTaxCountry != null)
        // Updates the tax value for the given country in the tax class
        updateTaxCountry.TaxValue = 20;

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple country tax values of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the country
CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo("USA");

if ((taxClass != null) && (country != null))
    // Gets the objects representing the relationships between the given country and the tax class
    var classCountries = TaxClassCountryInfoProvider.GetTaxClassCountries()
                                                    .WhereEquals("TaxClassID", taxClass.TaxClassID)
                                                    .WhereEquals("CountryID", country.CountryID);

    // Loops through the tax class-country relationships
    foreach (TaxClassCountryInfo modifyClassCountry in classCountries)
        // Updates the tax value for the country in the tax class
        modifyClassCountry.TaxValue = 30;

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting a country tax value of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the country
CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo("USA");

if ((taxClass != null) && (country != null))
    // Gets the object representing the tax class-country relationship
    TaxClassCountryInfo deleteTaxCountry = TaxClassCountryInfoProvider.GetTaxClassCountryInfo(country.CountryID, taxClass.TaxClassID);
    if (deleteTaxCountry != null)
        // Deletes the tax value for the country

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Tax values for states

Setting a state tax value for a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the state
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama");

if ((taxClass != null) && (state != null))
    // Creates a new object representing the tax class-state relationship
    TaxClassStateInfo newTaxState = new TaxClassStateInfo();

    // Sets the tax value for the given state within the tax class
    newTaxState.TaxClassID = taxClass.TaxClassID;
    newTaxState.StateID = state.StateID;
    newTaxState.TaxValue = 10;

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating a state tax value of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the state
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama");

if ((taxClass != null) && (state != null))
    // Gets the object representing the tax class-state relationship
    TaxClassStateInfo updateTaxState = TaxClassStateInfoProvider.GetTaxClassStateInfo(taxClass.TaxClassID, state.StateID);
    if (updateTaxState != null)
        // Updates the tax value for the given state in the tax class
        updateTaxState.TaxValue = 20;

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple state tax values of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the state
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama");

if ((taxClass != null) && (state != null))
    // Gets the objects representing the relationships between the given state and the tax class
    var classStates = TaxClassStateInfoProvider.GetTaxClassStates()
                                                .WhereEquals("TaxClassID", taxClass.TaxClassID)
                                                .WhereEquals("StateID", state.StateID);

    // Loops through the tax class-state relationships
    foreach (TaxClassStateInfo modifyClassState in classStates)
        // Updates the tax value for the state in the tax class
        modifyClassState.TaxValue = 30;

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting a state tax value of a tax class

// Gets the tax class
TaxClassInfo taxClass = TaxClassInfoProvider.GetTaxClassInfo("NewClass", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Gets the state
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama");

if ((taxClass != null) && (state != null))
    // Gets the object representing the tax class-state relationship
    TaxClassStateInfo deleteTaxState = TaxClassStateInfoProvider.GetTaxClassStateInfo(taxClass.TaxClassID, state.StateID);
    if (deleteTaxState != null)
        // Deletes the tax value for the state

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