Scheduled tasks

List of examples:

Creating a scheduled task

// Creates a new scheduled task object
TaskInfo newTask = new TaskInfo();

// Sets the basic task properties
newTask.TaskDisplayName = "New task";
newTask.TaskName = "NewTask";
newTask.TaskAssemblyName = "CMS.WorkflowEngine";
newTask.TaskClass = "CMS.WorkflowEngine.ContentPublisher";
newTask.TaskSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
newTask.TaskEnabled = true;

// Creates the scheduling interval for the task
TaskInterval interval = new TaskInterval();

// Sets the interval properties
interval.Period = SchedulingHelper.PERIOD_DAY;
interval.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
interval.Every = 2;
interval.Days = new System.Collections.Generic.List<DayOfWeek>()

// Assigns the interval settings to the task
newTask.TaskInterval = SchedulingHelper.EncodeInterval(interval);

// Calculates the first run time for the new task
newTask.TaskNextRunTime = SchedulingHelper.GetFirstRunTime(interval);

// Saves the scheduled task to the database

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Updating a scheduled task

// Gets the scheduled task
TaskInfo updateTask = TaskInfoProvider.GetTaskInfo("NewTask", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (updateTask != null)
    // Updates the task properties
    updateTask.TaskDisplayName = updateTask.TaskDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the updated task to the database

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Updating multiple scheduled tasks

// Gets all enabled scheduled tasks whose code name starts with 'New'
var tasks = TaskInfoProvider.GetTasks()
                                .WhereStartsWith("TaskName", "New")
                                .WhereEquals("TaskEnabled", 1);

// Loops through individual tasks
foreach (TaskInfo task in tasks)
    // Updates the task properties
    task.TaskDisplayName = task.TaskDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the updated task to the database

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Executing a scheduled task

// Gets the scheduled task
TaskInfo runTask = TaskInfoProvider.GetTaskInfo("NewTask", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if (runTask != null)
    // Executes (runs) the task, regardless of its interval settings

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Deleting a scheduled task

// Gets the scheduled task
TaskInfo deleteTask = TaskInfoProvider.GetTaskInfo("NewTask", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

 if (deleteTask != null)
     // Deletes the scheduled task

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