Marketing automation

List of examples:


Creating an automation process

// Creates a new marketing automation process object
WorkflowInfo newProcess = new WorkflowInfo()
    // Sets the process properties
    WorkflowDisplayName = "New process",
    WorkflowName = "NewProcess",
    WorkflowType = WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation,
    WorkflowRecurrenceType = ProcessRecurrenceTypeEnum.Recurring

// Saves the new process to the database

// Creates default steps for the process

// Gets the step with codename 'Finished' and allows moving to the previous step
WorkflowStepInfo finishedStep = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowStepInfo("Finished", newProcess.WorkflowID);
finishedStep.StepAllowReject = true;

// Saves the modified 'Finished' step to the database

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Updating a process

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo modifyProcess = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (modifyProcess != null)
    // Updates the process properties
    modifyProcess.WorkflowDisplayName = modifyProcess.WorkflowDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the modified process to the database

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Updating multiple processes

// Gets all marketing automation processes whose code name starts with 'New'
var processes = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflows()
                                        .WhereEquals("WorkflowType", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation)
                                        .WhereStartsWith("WorkflowName", "New");                

// Loops through individual processes
foreach (WorkflowInfo modifyProcess in processes)
    // Updates the process properties
    modifyProcess.WorkflowDisplayName = modifyProcess.WorkflowDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified process to the database

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Deleting processes

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo deleteProcess = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (deleteProcess != null)
    // Deletes the process

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Process steps

Adding steps to a process

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (process != null)
    // Creates a new process step object
    WorkflowStepInfo newStep = new WorkflowStepInfo()
        // Sets the step properties
        StepWorkflowID = process.WorkflowID,
        StepName = "NewProcessStep",
        StepDisplayName = "New step",
        StepType = WorkflowStepTypeEnum.Standard

    // Saves the process step to the database

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Updating a step in a process

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (process != null)
    // Gets the process step
    WorkflowStepInfo modifyStep = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowStepInfo("NewProcessStep", process.WorkflowID);

    if (modifyStep != null)
        // Updates the step properties
        modifyStep.StepDisplayName = modifyStep.StepDisplayName.ToLower();

        // Saves the updated step to the database

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Updating multiple steps in a process

// Gets a marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

// Gets all steps defined for the specified process whose name starts with 'New'
var steps = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowSteps()
                                            .WhereEquals("StepWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID)
                                            .WhereStartsWith("StepName", "New");

// Loops through individual steps
foreach (WorkflowStepInfo modifyStep in steps)
    // Updates the step properties
    modifyStep.StepDisplayName = modifyStep.StepDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the updated step to the database

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Creating transitions between process steps

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (process != null)
    // Gets the 'NewProcessStep' and 'Finished' steps created process step
    WorkflowStepInfo newStep = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowStepInfo("NewProcessStep", process.WorkflowID);
    WorkflowStepInfo finishedStep = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowStepInfo("Finished", process.WorkflowID);

    if ((newStep != null) && (finishedStep != null))
        // Gets the existing transition leading to the 'Published' step for the process
        WorkflowTransitionInfo existingTransition = WorkflowTransitionInfoProvider.GetWorkflowTransitions()
                                                                                    .WhereEquals("TransitionWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID)
                                                                                    .WhereEquals("TransitionEndStepID", finishedStep.StepID)

        // Modifies the existing transition to lead to the 'NewProcessStep' instead of the 'Finished' step
        existingTransition.TransitionEndStepID = newStep.StepID;

        // Saves the updated transition ot the database

        // Creates a new transition from the 'NewProcessStep' step to the 'Finished' step
        newStep.ConnectTo(newStep.StepDefinition.SourcePoints[0].Guid, finishedStep);

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Process triggers

Creating a process trigger

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if (process != null)
    // Creates a new process trigger object
    ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo newTrigger = new ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo()
        // Sets the trigger properties
        TriggerDisplayName = "New trigger",
        TriggerType = WorkflowTriggerTypeEnum.Change,
        TriggerSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
        TriggerWorkflowID = process.WorkflowID,
        TriggerObjectType = ""

    // Saves the process trigger to the database

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Updating process triggers

// Gets a marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);               

// Gets all triggers defined for the given process
var triggers = ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfoProvider.GetObjectWorkflowTriggers()
                                                        .WhereEquals("TriggerWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID);

// Loops through individual triggers
foreach (ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo modifyTrigger in triggers)
    // Updates the trigger properties
    modifyTrigger.TriggerDisplayName = modifyTrigger.TriggerDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified trigger to the database

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Deleting process triggers

// Gets a marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

// Gets all triggers defined for the given process whose code name starts with 'New"
var triggers = ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfoProvider.GetObjectWorkflowTriggers()
                                                        .WhereEquals("TriggerWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID)
                                                        .WhereStartsWith("TriggerDisplayName", "New");

// Loops through individual triggers
foreach (ObjectWorkflowTriggerInfo deleteTrigger in triggers)
    // Deletes the trigger

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Process management

Starting an automation process for a contact

// Gets the first contact in the system whose last name is 'Smith'
ContactInfo contact = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts()
                                            .WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith")

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if ((contact != null) && (process != null))
    // Creates an automation manager instance
    AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

    // Starts the process for the contact
    manager.StartProcess(contact, process.WorkflowID);

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Moving a contact between steps in a process

// Gets the first contact in the system whose last name is 'Smith'
ContactInfo contact = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts()
                                            .WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith")

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if ((contact != null) && (process != null))
    // Creates an automation manager instance
    AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

    // Gets the contact's current state in the given process
    // Note: This example only gets the first state object
    // You may need to handle multiple states if the process is allowed to run multiple process instances concurrently for the same contact
    AutomationStateInfo processState = AutomationStateInfoProvider.GetAutomationStates()
                                                                        .WhereEquals("StateObjectType", ContactInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)
                                                                        .WhereEquals("StateObjectID", contact.ContactID)
                                                                        .WhereEquals("StateWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID)

    if (processState != null)
        // Decides where to move the contact within the process
        string moveOperation = "next"; // "previous", "finished"

        switch (moveOperation)
            case "next":
                // Moves the contact to the next step in the process
                manager.MoveToNextStep(contact, processState, "Moved to the next step");                              

            case "previous":
                // Moves the contact to the previous step in the process
                manager.MoveToPreviousStep(contact, processState, "Moved to the previous step");                              

            case "finished":
                // Gets the finished step based on the process state
                WorkflowStepInfo finishedStep = manager.GetFinishedStep(contact, processState);

                // Moves the contact to the finished state
                manager.MoveToSpecificStep(contact, processState, finishedStep, "Moved to the finished step");                                

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Removing a contact from an automation process

// Gets the first contact in the system whose last name is 'Smith'
ContactInfo contact = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts()
                                            .WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith")

// Gets the marketing automation process
WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("NewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation);

if ((contact != null) && (process != null))
    // Creates an automation manager instance
    AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

    // Gets the states of all instances of the process that are running for the contact
    var states = AutomationStateInfoProvider.GetAutomationStates()
                                            .WhereEquals("StateObjectType", ContactInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)
                                            .WhereEquals("StateWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID)
                                            .WhereEquals("StateObjectID", contact.ContactID);                                                         

    if (states.Count > 0)
        // Loops through the contact's states in the given process
        // There will typically be only one state unless several instances of the process are running concurrently for the same contact
        foreach (AutomationStateInfo state in states)
            // Removes the contact from the process
            manager.RemoveProcess(contact, state);

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