
List of examples:

Creating a new page category

// Creates a new category object
CategoryInfo category = new CategoryInfo();

// Sets the category properties
category.CategoryDisplayName = "Carnivores";
category.CategoryName = "Carnivores";
category.CategoryDescription = "Animals that feed on other animals";
category.CategorySiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
category.CategoryEnabled = true;

// Saves the category to the database

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Updating a page category

// Gets the page category
CategoryInfo category = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("Carnivores", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

// Checks if the previous method retrieved the record
if (category != null)
    // Updates the category properties
    category.CategoryDescription = "People who are not vegetarians";

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple page categories

// Gets all first level categories on the current site
var categories = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategories().WhereEquals("CategoryLevel", 0).OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Loops through the categories
foreach (CategoryInfo category in categories)
    // Updates the code names of the categories
    category.CategoryName = category.CategoryName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Creating subcategories

// Gets the parent category
CategoryInfo parentCategory = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("carnivores", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (parentCategory != null)
    // Creates a new category object
    CategoryInfo subcategory = new CategoryInfo();

    // Sets basic properties
    subcategory.CategoryDisplayName = "Dogs";
    subcategory.CategoryName = "Dogs";
    subcategory.CategoryDescription = "Man's best friends";
    subcategory.CategorySiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
    subcategory.CategoryEnabled = true;

    // Assigns to the parent category
    subcategory.CategoryParentID = parentCategory.CategoryID;

    // Saves the category to the database

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Adding pages to categories

// Gets the category
CategoryInfo category = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("Dogs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (category != null)
    // Creates a new instance of the tree provider, needed for page operations
    TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

    // Gets a page
    TreeNode root = tree.SelectNodes()

    // Adds the page to the category
    DocumentCategoryInfoProvider.AddDocumentToCategory(root.DocumentID, category.CategoryID);

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Removing pages from categories

// Gets the category
CategoryInfo category = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("Dogs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (category != null)
    // Creates a new instance of the tree provider, needed for page operations
    TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

    // Gets the page
    TreeNode root = tree.SelectNodes()

    // Gets the page category relationship record
    DocumentCategoryInfo documentCategory = DocumentCategoryInfoProvider.GetDocumentCategoryInfo(root.DocumentID, category.CategoryID);

    if (documentCategory != null)
        // Removes the relationship record from the database

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Deleting page categories

// Gets the page category
CategoryInfo category = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("Carnivores", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (category != null)
    // Deletes the category

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