Gift cards

List of examples:

Creating a gift card

// Creates a new gift card object and sets its properties
var newGiftCard = new GiftCardInfo()
    GiftCardDisplayName = "New gift card",
    GiftCardName = "NewGiftCard",
    GiftCardEnabled = true,
    GiftCardSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
    GiftCardValue = 10,
    GiftCardMinimumOrderPrice = 50,
    GiftCardCartCondition = @"{% Currency.CurrencyName==""Dollar"" %}",

// Saves the gift card to the database

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Adding coupon codes to a gift card

// Gets the first gift card on the current site whose name starts with 'NewGift'
GiftCardInfo giftCard = GiftCardInfoProvider.GetGiftCards().OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                .WhereStartsWith("GiftCardName", "NewGift")

if (giftCard != null)
    // Creates a coupon code and adds it to the gift card (the code is "GIFT-10")
    GiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider.CreateGiftCardCoupon(giftCard, "GIFT-10");

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Generating coupon codes for a gift card

// Gets the first gift card on the current site whose name starts with 'NewGift'
GiftCardInfo giftCard = GiftCardInfoProvider.GetGiftCards().OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                .WhereStartsWith("GiftCardName", "NewGift")

if (giftCard != null)
    // Prepares a query that gets all existing coupon codes from the current site
    var existingCouponCodeQuery = ECommerceHelper.GetAllCouponCodesQuery(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    // Creates a cache of coupon codes on the current site
    var existingCodes = existingCouponCodeQuery.GetListResult<string>();

    // Prepares an instance of a class that checks against existing coupon codes to avoid duplicates
    var coudeUniquenessChecker = new CodeUniquenessChecker(existingCodes);

    // Initializes a coupon code generator
    RandomCodeGenerator codeGenerator = new RandomCodeGenerator(coudeUniquenessChecker, "**********");

    // Loops to generate 100 coupon codes
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        // Generates a new unique code text
        string code = codeGenerator.GenerateCode();

        // Creates a coupon code and adds it to the gift card
        GiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider.CreateGiftCardCoupon(giftCard, code);

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Updating gift cards

// Gets all enabled gift cards on the current site
var giftCards = GiftCardInfoProvider.GetGiftCards().OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)

// Loops through the gift cards
foreach (GiftCardInfo giftCard in giftCards)
    // Updates the gift card properties (sets the minimum order price to 100)
    giftCard.GiftCardMinimumOrderPrice = 100;

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Setting the remaining value for gift card coupon codes

// Gets the 'Gift-10' gift card coupon code (coupon codes are unique within the context of each site)
GiftCardCouponCodeInfo giftCardCouponCode = GiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider.GetGiftCardCouponCodeInfo("Gift-10", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Sets the remaining value to '5' for the coupon code
giftCardCouponCode.GiftCardCouponCodeRemainingValue = 5m;

// Saves the updated coupon code to the database

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Deleting a gift card

// Gets the first gift card on the current site whose name starts with 'NewGift'
GiftCardInfo giftCard = GiftCardInfoProvider.GetGiftCards().OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                .WhereStartsWith("GiftCardName", "NewGift")

if (giftCard != null)
    // Deletes the gift card

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