Shopping carts

List of examples:

Adding products to a shopping cart

// Gets a product to add to the shopping cart
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                    .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

if (product != null)
    // Gets the current shopping cart
    ShoppingCartInfo cart = ECommerceContext.CurrentShoppingCart;

    // Creates the shopping cart in the database if it does not exist yet
    if (cart.ShoppingCartID == 0)

    // Prepares a shopping cart item representing 1 unit of the product
    ShoppingCartItemParameters parameters = new ShoppingCartItemParameters(product.SKUID, 1);
    ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem = ShoppingCartInfoProvider.SetShoppingCartItem(cart, parameters);

    // Saves the shopping cart item to the shopping cart

    // Evaluates and recalculates the shopping cart (discounts, shipping, price totals, etc).

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Updating the unit count of a shopping cart item

// Gets the product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                    .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

if (product != null)
    // Prepares the shopping cart item
    ShoppingCartItemInfo item = null;

    // Gets the current shopping cart
    ShoppingCartInfo cart = ECommerceContext.CurrentShoppingCart;

    // Loops through the items in the shopping cart
    foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem in cart.CartItems)
        // Gets the first shopping cart item matching the specified product
        if (cartItem.SKUID == product.SKUID)
            item = cartItem;

    if (item != null)
        // Updates the unit count of the shopping cart item to 3
        ShoppingCartItemInfoProvider.UpdateShoppingCartItemUnits(item, 3);

        // Evaluates and recalculates the shopping cart (discounts, shipping, price totals, etc).

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Adding coupon codes to a shopping cart

// Gets the current shopping cart
ShoppingCartInfo cart = ECommerceContext.CurrentShoppingCart;

// Adds the 'SAVE10' coupon code to the cart, if it is related to a valid discount for the current shopping cart content
// Automatically evaluates and recalculates the shopping cart

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Removing products from a shopping cart

// Gets the product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                    .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

if (product != null)
    // Prepares the shopping cart item
    ShoppingCartItemInfo item = null;

    // Gets the current shopping cart
    ShoppingCartInfo cart = ECommerceContext.CurrentShoppingCart;

    // Loops through the items in the shopping cart
    foreach (ShoppingCartItemInfo cartItem in cart.CartItems)
        // Gets the first shopping cart item matching the specified product
        if (cartItem.SKUID == product.SKUID)
            item = cartItem;

    if (item != null)
        // Removes the item from the shopping cart
        ShoppingCartInfoProvider.RemoveShoppingCartItem(cart, item.CartItemID);

        // Removes the item from the database

        // Evaluates and recalculates the shopping cart (discounts, shipping, price totals, etc).

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