
List of examples:

Notification gateways

Creating a notification gateway

// Creates a new notification gateway object
NotificationGatewayInfo newGateway = new NotificationGatewayInfo();

// Sets the gateway properties
newGateway.GatewayDisplayName = "New gateway";
newGateway.GatewayName = "NewGateway";
newGateway.GatewayAssemblyName = "CustomNotificationGateways";
newGateway.GatewayClassName = "NewGateway";
newGateway.GatewayDescription = "This is a notification gateway created through the API.";
newGateway.GatewaySupportsEmail = true;
newGateway.GatewaySupportsPlainText = true;
newGateway.GatewaySupportsHTMLText = true;
newGateway.GatewayEnabled = true;

// Saves the new notification gateway to the database

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Updating a notification gateway

// Gets the notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo updateGateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");
if (updateGateway != null)
    // Updates the gateway properties
    updateGateway.GatewayDisplayName = updateGateway.GatewayDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the updated gateway to the database

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Updating multiple notification gateways

// Gets all notification gateways whose code name starts with 'New'
ObjectQuery<NotificationGatewayInfo> gateways = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGateways().WhereStartsWith("GatewayName", "New");

// Loops through individual gateways
foreach (NotificationGatewayInfo gateway in gateways)
    // Updates the gateway properties
    gateway.GatewayDisplayName = gateway.GatewayDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified notification gateway to the database

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Deleting a notification gateway

// Gets the notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo deleteGateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

if (deleteGateway != null)
    // Deletes the notification gateway

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Notification templates

Creating a notification template

// Creates a new notification template object
NotificationTemplateInfo newTemplate = new NotificationTemplateInfo();

// Sets the notification template properties
newTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = "New template";
newTemplate.TemplateName = "NewTemplate";
newTemplate.TemplateSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

// Saves the notification template to the database

// Gets a notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

if (gateway != null)
    // Creates a new object that holds the text of the notification template
    NotificationTemplateTextInfo newText = new NotificationTemplateTextInfo();

    // Sets the text values for the template
    newText.TemplateSubject = "Template subject";                 
    newText.TemplateHTMLText = "Template text. <br />";
    newText.TemplatePlainText = "Template text.";

    // Assigns the text values to the template for the specified notification gateway
    newText.TemplateID = newTemplate.TemplateID;
    newText.GatewayID = gateway.GatewayID;

    // Saves the notification template text to the database

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Updating a notification template

// Gets the notification template
NotificationTemplateInfo updateTemplate = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("NewTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (updateTemplate != null)
    // Updates the basic notification template properties
    updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the modified notification template to the database

    // Gets a notification gateway
    NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

    if (gateway != null)
        // Gets the object holding the template's text for the specified notification gateway
        NotificationTemplateTextInfo updateText = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider
                                                    .GetNotificationTemplateTextInfo(gateway.GatewayID, updateTemplate.TemplateID);

        if (updateText != null)
            // Updates the template's subject text for the specified gateway
            updateText.TemplateSubject = updateText.TemplateSubject.ToLowerCSafe();

            // Saves the modified notification template text to the database

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Updating multiple notification templates

// Gets all notification templates assigned to the current site whose code name starts with 'New'
var templates = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplates()
                                                .WhereStartsWith("TemplateName", "New")
                                                .WhereEquals("TemplateSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Loops through individual notification templates
foreach (NotificationTemplateInfo template in templates)
    // Updates the basic notification template properties
    template.TemplateDisplayName = template.TemplateDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the modified notification template to the database

    // Gets all template text objects that belong to the given template (for all notification gateways)
    var templateTexts = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTexts().WhereEquals("TemplateID", template.TemplateID);

    // Loops through the template's text objects for all gateways
    foreach (NotificationTemplateTextInfo templateText in templateTexts)
        // Updates the template's subject text
        templateText.TemplateSubject = templateText.TemplateSubject.ToUpper();

        // Saves the modified notification template text to the database

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Deleting a notification template

// Gets the notification template
NotificationTemplateInfo deleteTemplate = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("NewTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if (deleteTemplate != null)
    // Gets all template text objects that belong to the given template (for all notification gateways)
    var templateTexts = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTexts().WhereEquals("TemplateID", deleteTemplate.TemplateID);

    // Loops through the template's text objects for all gateways
    foreach (NotificationTemplateTextInfo deleteText in templateTexts)
        // Deletes the notification template's text

    // Deletes the notification template

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Notification subscriptions

Creating a notification subscription

// Gets the notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

// Get the notification template
NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("NewTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
    // Creates a new notification subscription object
    NotificationSubscriptionInfo newSubscription = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();

    // Sets the subscription properties (subscribes the current user)
    newSubscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = "Custom event";
    newSubscription.SubscriptionGatewayID = gateway.GatewayID;
    newSubscription.SubscriptionTemplateID = template.TemplateID;
    newSubscription.SubscriptionTime = DateTime.Now;
    newSubscription.SubscriptionUserID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID;
    newSubscription.SubscriptionTarget = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.Email;
    newSubscription.SubscriptionSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

    // Saves the notification subscription to the database

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Updating notification subscriptions

// Gets the notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

// Gets the notification template
NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("NewTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
    // Gets all subscriptions that use the specified notification gateway and template
    var subscriptions = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetNotificationSubscriptions()
                                                            .WhereEquals("SubscriptionGatewayID", gateway.GatewayID)
                                                            .WhereEquals("SubscriptionTemplateID", template.TemplateID);

    // Loops throug individual subscriptions
    foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo subscription in subscriptions)                    
        // Updates the subscription properties
        subscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = subscription.SubscriptionEventDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

        // Saves the updated notification subscription to the database

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Deleting notification subscriptions

// Gets the notification gateway
NotificationGatewayInfo gateway = NotificationGatewayInfoProvider.GetNotificationGatewayInfo("NewGateway");

// Gets the notification template
NotificationTemplateInfo template = NotificationTemplateInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateInfo("NewTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((gateway != null) && (template != null))
    // Gets all subscriptions that use the specified notification gateway and template
    var subscriptions = NotificationSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetNotificationSubscriptions()
                                                            .WhereEquals("SubscriptionGatewayID", gateway.GatewayID)
                                                            .WhereEquals("SubscriptionTemplateID", template.TemplateID);

    // Loops throug individual subscriptions
    foreach (NotificationSubscriptionInfo deleteSubscription in subscriptions)
        // Deletes the notification subscription

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