
List of examples:


Creating a message

// Creates a new message object
MessageInfo newMessage = new MessageInfo();

// Sets the message content
newMessage.MessageSubject = "API example message";
newMessage.MessageBody = "This is a sample message created by the Kentico API.";

// Gets the sender and the recipient of the message
UserInfo sender = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
UserInfo recipient = UserInfoProvider.AdministratorUser;

// Checks if both sender and recipient exist and sets the message properties
if ((sender != null) && (recipient != null))
    newMessage.MessageSenderUserID = sender.UserID;
    newMessage.MessageSenderNickName = sender.UserNickName;
    newMessage.MessageRecipientUserID = recipient.UserID;
    newMessage.MessageRecipientNickName = recipient.UserNickName;
    newMessage.MessageSent = DateTime.Now;

    // Saves the message to the database

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Updating a message

// Prepares a where condition for loading a message with the subject 'API example message'
string where = "[MessageSubject] = N'API example message'";

// Gets the message based on the condition
DataSet messages = MessageInfoProvider.GetMessages(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(messages))
    // Gets the message from the DataSet
    MessageInfo modifyMessage = new MessageInfo(messages.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

    // Updates the properties of the message
    modifyMessage.MessageBody = modifyMessage.MessageBody.ToUpper();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple messages

// Prepares a where condition for loading all messages whose subject contains the word 'API'
string where = "[MessageSubject] LIKE N'API'";

// Gets the messages that fulfill the condition
DataSet messages = MessageInfoProvider.GetMessages(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(messages))
    // Loops through individual messages
    foreach (DataRow messageDr in messages.Tables[0].Rows)
        // Converts the DataRow to a message object
        MessageInfo modifyMessage = new MessageInfo(messageDr);

        // Updates the properties of the message
        modifyMessage.MessageBody = modifyMessage.MessageBody.ToLowerCSafe();

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting messages

// Prepares a where condition for loading all messages whose subject contains the word 'API'
string where = "[MessageSubject] LIKE N'API'";

// Gets the messages that fulfill the condition
DataSet messages = MessageInfoProvider.GetMessages(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(messages))
    // Loops through individual messages
    foreach (DataRow messageDr in messages.Tables[0].Rows)
        // Converts the DataRow to a message object
        MessageInfo deleteMessage = new MessageInfo(messageDr);

        if (deleteMessage != null)
            // Deletes the message

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Contact lists

Adding users to a contact list

// Creates a new sample user which will be added to the contact list
UserInfo user = new UserInfo();
user.UserName = "John";
user.FullName = "John Doe";


// Checks that new user is not already in the current user's contact list
if (!ContactListInfoProvider.IsInContactList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID))
    // Adds the new user to the current user's contact list
    ContactListInfoProvider.AddToContactList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID);

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Removing users from a contact list

// Gets the user
UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("John");

// Checks that the user is in the current user's contact list
if (ContactListInfoProvider.IsInContactList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID))
    // Removes the user from the current user's contact list
    ContactListInfoProvider.RemoveFromContactList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID);

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Ignore lists

Adding users to an ignore list

// Creates a new sample user which will be added to the ignore list
UserInfo user = new UserInfo();
user.UserName = "Jane";
user.FullName = "Jane Doe";


// Checks that new user is not already in the current user's ignore list
if (!IgnoreListInfoProvider.IsInIgnoreList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID))
    // Adds the new user to the current user's ignore list
    IgnoreListInfoProvider.AddToIgnoreList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID);

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Removing users from an ignore list

// Gets the user
UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo("Jane");

// Checks that the user is in the current user's ignore list
if (IgnoreListInfoProvider.IsInIgnoreList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID))
    // Removes the user from the current user's ignore list
    IgnoreListInfoProvider.RemoveFromIgnoreList(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, user.UserID);

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