Email marketing
List of examples:
- Email marketing templates
- Email feeds
- Marketing emails
- Recipients
- Adding newsletter recipients by email address
- Adding contacts as newsletter recipients
- Adding newsletter recipients via contact groups
- Unsubscribing an email address from a newsletter
- Removing a newsletter recipient
- Adding email campaign recipients (contact groups)
- Removing email campaign recipients (contact groups)
Email marketing templates
Creating an email template
// Creates a new template object
EmailTemplateInfo newTemplate = new EmailTemplateInfo()
// Sets the basic template properties
TemplateDisplayName = "New email template",
TemplateName = "NewEmailTemplate",
TemplateSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
// Sets the template type (template for marketing email content in this case)
TemplateType = EmailTemplateType.Issue,
// Other possible template type values: EmailTemplateType.Subscription, EmailTemplateType.Unsubscription, EmailTemplateType.DoubleOptIn
// Defines the content of the template
TemplateHeader = @"<html xmlns="""">
<meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" />
TemplateBody = "Email template content",
TemplateFooter = "</body></html>"
// Saves the new template to the database
Updating an email template
// Gets the email template
EmailTemplateInfo updateTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("NewEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (updateTemplate != null)
// Updates the template properties
updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName = updateTemplate.TemplateDisplayName.ToLower();
// Saves the updated template to the database
Updating multiple email templates
// Gets all email marketing templates of the "marketing email" type whose code name starts with 'New'
var templates = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplates()
.WhereEquals("TemplateType", EmailTemplateType.Issue)
.WhereStartsWith("TemplateName", "New");
// Loops through individual email templates
foreach (EmailTemplateInfo template in templates)
// Updates the template properties
template.TemplateDisplayName = template.TemplateDisplayName.ToUpper();
// Saves the updated template to the database
Deleting an email template
// Gets the email template
EmailTemplateInfo deleteTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("NewEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (deleteTemplate != null)
// Deletes the email template
Email feeds
Creating a template-based newsletter
// Gets templates for the newsletter's emails
EmailTemplateInfo subscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleSubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
EmailTemplateInfo unsubscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleUnsubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
EmailTemplateInfo emailTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((subscriptionTemplate != null) && (unsubscriptionTemplate != null) && (emailTemplate != null))
// Creates a new email feed object
NewsletterInfo newTemplateNewsletter = new NewsletterInfo()
// Sets the email feed properties to configure a template-based newsletter
NewsletterType = EmailCommunicationTypeEnum.Newsletter,
NewsletterSource = NewsletterSource.TemplateBased,
NewsletterDisplayName = "New templated newsletter",
NewsletterName = "NewTemplateNewsletter",
NewsletterSenderName = "Sender name",
NewsletterSenderEmail = "sender@localhost.local",
NewsletterSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
// Assigns email templates to the newsletter
NewsletterSubscriptionTemplateID = subscriptionTemplate.TemplateID,
NewsletterUnsubscriptionTemplateID = unsubscriptionTemplate.TemplateID,
NewsletterTemplateID = emailTemplate.TemplateID
// Saves the new email feed to the database
Creating a page-based newsletter
// Gets templates for the newsletter's subscription messages
EmailTemplateInfo subscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleSubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
EmailTemplateInfo unsubscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleUnsubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((subscriptionTemplate != null) && (unsubscriptionTemplate != null))
// Creates a new email feed object
NewsletterInfo newPageNewsletter = new NewsletterInfo()
// Sets the email feed properties to configure a page-based newsletter
NewsletterType = EmailCommunicationTypeEnum.Newsletter,
NewsletterSource = NewsletterSource.Dynamic,
NewsletterDisplayName = "New page newsletter",
NewsletterName = "NewPageNewsletter",
NewsletterSenderName = "Sender name",
NewsletterSenderEmail = "sender@localhost.local",
NewsletterDynamicURL = "",
NewsletterDynamicSubject = "Newsletter issue",
NewsletterSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
// Assigns subscription email templates to the newsletter
NewsletterSubscriptionTemplateID = subscriptionTemplate.TemplateID,
NewsletterUnsubscriptionTemplateID = unsubscriptionTemplate.TemplateID
// Saves the new email feed to the database
Creating an email campaign
// Gets templates for the email campaign
EmailTemplateInfo subscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleSubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
EmailTemplateInfo unsubscriptionTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleUnsubscriptionEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
EmailTemplateInfo emailTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo("SampleEmailTemplate", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((subscriptionTemplate != null) && (unsubscriptionTemplate != null) && (emailTemplate != null))
// Creates a new email feed object
NewsletterInfo newEmailCampaign = new NewsletterInfo()
// Sets the email feed properties to configure an email campaign
NewsletterType = EmailCommunicationTypeEnum.EmailCampaign,
NewsletterSource = NewsletterSource.TemplateBased,
NewsletterDisplayName = "New email campaign",
NewsletterName = "NewEmailCampaign",
NewsletterSenderName = "Sender name",
NewsletterSenderEmail = "sender@localhost.local",
NewsletterSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
// Assigns templates to the email campaign
NewsletterSubscriptionTemplateID = subscriptionTemplate.TemplateID,
NewsletterUnsubscriptionTemplateID = unsubscriptionTemplate.TemplateID,
NewsletterTemplateID = emailTemplate.TemplateID
// Saves the new email feed to the database
Updating an email feed (any type)
// Gets the email feed
NewsletterInfo updateEmailFeed = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (updateEmailFeed != null)
// Updates the email feed properties
updateEmailFeed.NewsletterDisplayName = updateEmailFeed.NewsletterDisplayName.ToLower();
// Saves the updated email feed to the database
Updating multiple email feeds (any type)
// Gets all email feeds on the current site whose code name starts with 'New'
var emailFeeds = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletters()
.WhereEquals("NewsletterSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
.WhereStartsWith("NewsletterName", "New");
// Loops through individual email feeds
foreach (NewsletterInfo emailFeed in emailFeeds)
// Updates the email feed properties
emailFeed.NewsletterDisplayName = emailFeed.NewsletterDisplayName.ToUpper();
// Saves the updated email feed to the database
Deleting an email feed (any type)
// Gets the email feed
NewsletterInfo deleteEmailFeed = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (deleteEmailFeed != null)
// Deletes the email feed
Marketing emails
Creating template-based marketing emails
// Gets the email feed (Template-based newsletter or Email campaign)
NewsletterInfo emailFeed = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (emailFeed != null)
// Creates a new email object
IssueInfo newIssue = new IssueInfo()
// Sets the email properties
IssueSubject = "New issue",
IssueNewsletterID = emailFeed.NewsletterID,
IssueSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,
IssueStatus = IssueStatusEnum.Idle,
IssueUnsubscribed = 0,
IssueSentEmails = 0,
IssueTemplateID = emailFeed.NewsletterTemplateID,
IssueShowInNewsletterArchive = false,
IssueUseUTM = false,
// Defines the email content
// The ID attributes of <region> elements must match the IDs of regions used in the given email template
IssueText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><content><region id=\"text\">Issue text</region></content>"
// Saves the marketing email to the database
Creating page-based newsletter emails
// Gets the page-based newsletter
NewsletterInfo pageNewsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewPageNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (pageNewsletter != null)
// Generates a new dynamic issue (email)
Updating marketing emails
// Gets the email feed
NewsletterInfo emailFeed = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (emailFeed != null)
// Gets all of the feed's emails that have not been sent yet
var issues = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssues()
.WhereEquals("IssueNewsletterID", emailFeed.NewsletterID)
// Loops through individual emails
foreach (IssueInfo issue in issues)
// Updates the email properties
issue.IssueSubject = issue.IssueSubject.ToUpper();
// Saves the modified email to the database
Deleting marketing emails
// Gets the email feed
NewsletterInfo emailFeed = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (emailFeed != null)
// Gets all of the feed's emails that were already sent
var issues = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssues()
.WhereEquals("IssueNewsletterID", emailFeed.NewsletterID)
.WhereEquals("IssueStatus", IssueStatusEnum.Finished);
// Loops through individual emails
foreach (IssueInfo deleteIssue in issues)
// Deletes the email
Adding newsletter recipients by email address
// Prepares the email address of the new recipient
string emailAddress = "subscriber@localhost.local";
// Gets the newsletter
NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (newsletter != null)
// Prepares instances of the Kentico contact provider and email feed subscription service
IContactProvider contactProvider = CMS.Core.Service<IContactProvider>.Entry();
ISubscriptionService subscriptionService = CMS.Core.Service<ISubscriptionService>.Entry();
// Either gets an existing contact by email address or creates a new contact with the given email address
ContactInfo contact = contactProvider.GetContactForSubscribing(emailAddress);
// Adds the contact as a recipient of the newsletter
subscriptionService.Subscribe(contact, newsletter, new SubscribeSettings
AllowOptIn = true, // Allows double opt-in subscription for newsletters that have it enabled
SendConfirmationEmail = true, // Allows sending of confirmation emails for the subscription
// Removes the email address from the opt-out list for all marketing emails on the given site (if present)
RemoveAlsoUnsubscriptionFromAllNewsletters = true,
Adding contacts as newsletter recipients
// Gets all contacts whose last name is 'Smith'
var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts()
.WhereEquals("ContactLastName", "Smith");
// Gets the newsletter
NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (newsletter != null)
// Prepares an instance of the Kentico email feed subscription service
ISubscriptionService subscriptionService = CMS.Core.Service<ISubscriptionService>.Entry();
// Loops through the contacts
foreach (ContactInfo contact in contacts)
// Adds the contact as a recipient of the newsletter
subscriptionService.Subscribe(contact, newsletter, new SubscribeSettings
AllowOptIn = true, // Allows double opt-in subscription for newsletters that have it enabled
SendConfirmationEmail = true, // Allows sending of confirmation emails for the subscription
// Removes the contact from the opt-out list for all marketing emails on the given site (if present)
RemoveAlsoUnsubscriptionFromAllNewsletters = true,
Adding newsletter recipients via contact groups
// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo contactGroup = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroupInfo("GroupName");
// Gets the newsletter
NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((contactGroup != null) && (newsletter != null))
// Prepares an instance of the Kentico email feed subscription service
ISubscriptionService subscriptionService = CMS.Core.Service<ISubscriptionService>.Entry();
// Adds the contact group as a recipient of the newsletter
subscriptionService.Subscribe(contactGroup, newsletter);
Unsubscribing an email address from a newsletter
// Prepares the email address that you wish to unsubscribe
string emailAddress = "subscriber@localhost.local";
// Gets the newsletter
NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (newsletter != null)
// Prepares an instance of the Kentico email feed subscription service
ISubscriptionService subscriptionService = CMS.Core.Service<ISubscriptionService>.Entry();
// Ensures that the email address no longer receives the newsletter's emails
// Leaves the email address in the newsletter's list of recipients, but with the "Opted out" status
subscriptionService.UnsubscribeFromSingleNewsletter(emailAddress, newsletter.NewsletterID, null, sendConfirmationEmail: true);
Removing a newsletter recipient
// Gets the subscriber that you wish to remove from the list of recipients (by email address)
SubscriberInfo subscriber = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberByEmail("subscriber@localhost.local", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
// Gets the newsletter
NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewTemplateNewsletter", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((subscriber != null) && (newsletter != null))
// Prepares an instance of the Kentico email feed subscription service
ISubscriptionService subscriptionService = CMS.Core.Service<ISubscriptionService>.Entry();
// Removes the subscriber from the newsletter's recipients
subscriptionService.RemoveSubscription(subscriber.SubscriberID, newsletter.NewsletterID, sendConfirmationEmail : true);
Adding email campaign recipients (contact groups)
// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo contactGroup = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroupInfo("GroupName");
// Gets the email campaign
NewsletterInfo emailCampaign = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewEmailCampaign", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((contactGroup != null) && (emailCampaign != null))
// Gets the campaign's email with the subject "New issue"
IssueInfo campaignEmail = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssues()
.WhereEquals("IssueNewsletterID", emailCampaign.NewsletterID)
.WhereEquals("IssueSubject", "New issue")
if (campaignEmail != null)
// Creates an object representing a relationship between the campaign email and contact group
var emailContactGroupBinding = new IssueContactGroupInfo
ContactGroupID = contactGroup.ContactGroupID,
IssueID = campaignEmail.IssueID
// Assigns the contact group as a recipient for the campaign email
Removing email campaign recipients (contact groups)
// Gets the contact group
ContactGroupInfo contactGroup = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroupInfo("GroupName");
// Gets the email campaign
NewsletterInfo emailCampaign = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo("NewEmailCampaign", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if ((contactGroup != null) && (emailCampaign != null))
// Gets the campaign's email with the subject "New issue"
IssueInfo campaignEmail = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssues()
.WhereEquals("IssueNewsletterID", emailCampaign.NewsletterID)
.WhereEquals("IssueSubject", "New issue")
if (campaignEmail != null)
// Gets the object representing the relationship between the campaign email and contact group
IssueContactGroupInfo emailContactGroupBinding =
IssueContactGroupInfoProvider.GetIssueContactGroupInfo(campaignEmail.IssueID, contactGroup.ContactGroupID);
if (emailContactGroupBinding != null)
// Removes the contact group from the campaign email's recipient list