
List of examples:

Buy X Get Y discounts

Creating a Buy X Get Y discount

// Gets a product for a 2+1 free Buy X Get Y discount
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

if (product != null)
    // Creates a new Buy X Get Y discount object and sets its properties
    MultiBuyDiscountInfo newDiscount = new MultiBuyDiscountInfo()
        MultiBuyDiscountName = "MyDiscount",
        MultiBuyDiscountDisplayName = "My Discount",
        MultiBuyDiscountApplyFurtherDiscounts = true,
        MultiBuyDiscountMinimumBuyCount = 2,
        MultiBuyDiscountApplyToSKUID = product.SKUID,
        MultiBuyDiscountIsFlat = false,
        MultiBuyDiscountValue = 100,
        MultiBuyDiscountAutoAddEnabled = true,
        MultiBuyDiscountEnabled = true,
        MultiBuyDiscountCustomerRestriction = DiscountCustomerEnum.All,
        MultiBuyDiscountSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID

    // Saves the Buy X Get Y discount to the database

    // Creates a new relationship of a product that needs to be bought and the discount
    MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo newSkuDiscount = new MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo();

    // Sets the product-discount relationship properties
    newSkuDiscount.MultiBuyDiscountID = newDiscount.MultiBuyDiscountID;
    newSkuDiscount.SKUID = product.SKUID;

    // Saves the product-discount relationship to the database

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Updating a Buy X Get Y discount

// Gets the first Buy X Get Y discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
MultiBuyDiscountInfo discount = MultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider.GetMultiBuyDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                            .WhereContains("MultiBuyDiscountName", "MyDiscount")

if (discount != null)
    // Updates the Buy X Get Y discount properties
    discount.MultiBuyDiscountMinimumBuyCount = 3;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple Buy X Get Y discounts

// Gets all enabled Buy X Get Y discounts on the current site
var discounts = MultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider.GetMultiBuyDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)

// Loops through the Buy X Get Y discounts
foreach (MultiBuyDiscountInfo discount in discounts)
    // Updates the Buy X Get Y discounts properties
    discount.MultiBuyDiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Adding coupons to a Buy X Get Y discount

// Gets the first Buy X Get Y discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
MultiBuyDiscountInfo discount = MultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider.GetMultiBuyDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                            .WhereContains("MultiBuyDiscountName", "MyDiscount")

if (discount != null)
    // Enables using coupons for the Buy X Get Y discount
    discount.MultiBuyDiscountUsesCoupons = true;

    // Saves the change to the database

    // Prepares a query that gets all existing coupon codes from the current site
    var existingQuery = ECommerceHelper.GetAllCouponCodesQuery(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    // Creates a cache of coupon codes on the current site
    HashSet<string> existingCodes = new HashSet<string>();
    using (DbDataReader reader = existingQuery.ExecuteReader())
        while (reader.Read())

    // Initializes a coupon code generator
    RandomCodeGenerator codeGenerator = new RandomCodeGenerator("**********");

    // Sets that generated codes are checked against the existing coupon codes to avoid duplicates
    codeGenerator.CodeChecker = code => !existingCodes.Contains(code);

    // Loops to generate 300 coupon codes
    for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
        // Generates a new unique code text
        string code = codeGenerator.GenerateCode();

        // Creates a coupon code and adds it to the discount
        MultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider.CreateCoupon(discount, code, 1);

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Deleting a Buy X Get Y discount

// Gets the first Buy X Get Y discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
MultiBuyDiscountInfo discount = MultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider.GetMultiBuyDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                                            .WhereContains("MultiBuyDiscountName", "MyDiscount")

if (discount != null)
    // Deletes the Buy X Get Y discount

> Back to list of examples

Catalog discounts

Creating a catalog discount

// Creates a new catalog discount object and sets its properties
DiscountInfo newDiscount = new DiscountInfo()
    DiscountName = "MyDiscount",
    DiscountDisplayName = "My Discount",
    ItemDiscountType = DiscountTypeEnum.CatalogDiscount,
    DiscountIsFlat = false,
    DiscountValue = 20,
    DiscountApplyTo = DiscountApplicationEnum.Products,
    DiscountProductCondition = @"{% SKU.SKUName.Contains(""new"") @%}",
    DiscountEnabled = true,
    DiscountOrder = 1,
    DiscountApplyFurtherDiscounts = true,
    DiscountUsesCoupons = false,
    DiscountSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID

// Saves the catalog discount to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating a catalog discount

// Gets the first catalog discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyDiscount")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Products.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Updates the catalog discount properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple catalog discounts

// Gets all enabled catalog discounts on the current site
var discounts = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, true)
                                    .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Products.ToString());

// Loops through the catalog discounts
foreach (DiscountInfo discount in discounts)
    // Updates the catalog discount properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Deleting a catalog discount

// Gets the first catalog discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyDiscount")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Products.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Deletes the catalog discount

> Back to list of examples

Order discounts

Creating a catalog discount

// Creates a new order discount object and sets its properties
DiscountInfo newDiscount = new DiscountInfo()
    DiscountName = "MyDiscount",
    DiscountDisplayName = "My Discount",
    ItemDiscountType = DiscountTypeEnum.OrderDiscount,
    DiscountIsFlat = false,
    DiscountValue = 20,
    DiscountApplyTo = DiscountApplicationEnum.Order,
    DiscountCartCondition = @"{% Currency.CurrencyName==""Dollar"" @%}",
    DiscountEnabled = true,
    DiscountOrder = 1,
    DiscountApplyFurtherDiscounts = true,
    DiscountUsesCoupons = false,
    DiscountSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,

// Saves the order discount to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating a order discount

// Gets the first order discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyDiscount")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Order.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Updates the order discount properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple order discounts

// Gets all enabled order discounts on the current site
var discounts = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, true)
                                    .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Order.ToString());

// Loops through the order discounts
foreach (DiscountInfo discount in discounts)
    // Updates the order discount properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Deleting a order discount

// Gets the first order discount that contains 'MyDiscount' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyDiscount")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Order.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Deletes the order discount

> Back to list of examples

Free shipping offers

Creating a free shipping offer

// Creates a new free shipping offer object and sets its properties
DiscountInfo newDiscount = new DiscountInfo()
    DiscountName = "MyShippingOffer",
    DiscountDisplayName = "My Shipping Offer",
    ItemDiscountType = DiscountTypeEnum.ShippingDiscount,
    DiscountIsFlat = false,
    DiscountValue = 20,
    DiscountApplyTo = DiscountApplicationEnum.Shipping,
    DiscountOrderAmount = 100,
    DiscountEnabled = true,
    DiscountOrder = 1,
    DiscountApplyFurtherDiscounts = true,
    DiscountUsesCoupons = false,
    DiscountSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID

// Saves the free shipping offer to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating a free shipping offer

// Gets the first free shipping offer that contains 'MyShippingOffer' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyShippingOffer")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Shipping.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Updates the free shipping offer properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple free shipping offer

// Gets all enabled free shipping offers on the current site
var discounts = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, true)
                                    .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Shipping.ToString());

// Loops through the free shipping offers
foreach (DiscountInfo discount in discounts)
    // Updates the free shipping offer properties
    discount.DiscountEnabled = false;

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Deleting a free shipping offer

// Gets the first free shipping offer that contains 'MyShippingOffer' on the current site
DiscountInfo discount = DiscountInfoProvider.GetDiscounts(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountName", "MyShippingOffer")
                                            .WhereContains("DiscountApplyTo", DiscountApplicationEnum.Shipping.ToString())

if (discount != null)
    // Deletes the free shipping offer

> Back to list of examples

Volume discounts

Creating a volume discount

// Gets a product for the volume discount
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                 .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

if (product != null)
    // Creates a new volume discount object
    VolumeDiscountInfo newDiscount = new VolumeDiscountInfo();

    // Sets the volume discount properties
    newDiscount.VolumeDiscountMinCount = 100;
    newDiscount.VolumeDiscountValue = 20;
    newDiscount.VolumeDiscountSKUID = product.SKUID;
    newDiscount.VolumeDiscountIsFlatValue = false;

    // Saves the volume discount to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating a volume discount

// Gets a product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                                .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

if (product != null)
    // Gets the first volume discount defined for the product
    VolumeDiscountInfo discount = VolumeDiscountInfoProvider.GetVolumeDiscounts(product.SKUID).FirstObject;
    if (discount != null)
        // Updates the volume discount properties
        discount.VolumeDiscountMinCount = 800;

        // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple volume discounts

// Gets a product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

if (product != null)
    // Gets the product's volume discounts
    var discounts = VolumeDiscountInfoProvider.GetVolumeDiscounts(product.SKUID);

    // Loops through the volume discounts
    foreach (VolumeDiscountInfo discount in discounts)
        // Updates the volume discount properties
        discount.VolumeDiscountMinCount = 500;

        // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Deleting a volume discount

// Gets a product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

if (product != null)
    // Gets the first volume discount defined for the product
    VolumeDiscountInfo discount = VolumeDiscountInfoProvider.GetVolumeDiscounts(product.SKUID).FirstObject;
    if (discount != null)
        // Deletes the volume discount

> Back to list of examples

Product coupons

Creating a product coupon

// Creates a new product coupon object
DiscountCouponInfo newCoupon = new DiscountCouponInfo();

// Sets the product coupon properties
newCoupon.DiscountCouponDisplayName = "New coupon";
newCoupon.DiscountCouponCode = "NewCoupon";
newCoupon.DiscountCouponIsExcluded = true;
newCoupon.DiscountCouponIsFlatValue = true;
newCoupon.DiscountCouponValue = 200;
newCoupon.DiscountCouponValidFrom = DateTime.Now;
newCoupon.DiscountCouponSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

// Saves the product coupon to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating a product coupon

// Gets the product coupon
DiscountCouponInfo updateCoupon = DiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetDiscountCouponInfo("NewCoupon", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
if (updateCoupon != null)
    // Updates the product coupon properties
    updateCoupon.DiscountCouponDisplayName = updateCoupon.DiscountCouponDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

    // Saves the changes to the database

> Back to list of examples

Updating multiple product coupons

// Gets all product coupons whose code starts with 'New'
var coupons = DiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetDiscountCoupons()
                                        .WhereStartsWith("DiscountCouponCode", "New");

// Loops through the product coupons
foreach (DiscountCouponInfo modifyCoupon in coupons)
    // Updates the product coupon properties
    modifyCoupon.DiscountCouponDisplayName = modifyCoupon.DiscountCouponDisplayName.ToUpperCSafe();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Adding products to a product coupon

// Gets the discounted product
SKUInfo product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

// Gets the product coupon
DiscountCouponInfo discountCoupon = DiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetDiscountCouponInfo("NewCoupon", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if ((discountCoupon != null) && (product != null))
    // Adds the product to the coupon
    SKUDiscountCouponInfoProvider.AddDiscountCouponToSKU(product.SKUID, discountCoupon.DiscountCouponID);

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Removing products from a product coupon

// Gets the discounted product
var product = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs()
                               .WhereStartsWith("SKUName", "New")

// Gets the product coupon
DiscountCouponInfo discountCoupon = DiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetDiscountCouponInfo("NewCoupon", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if ((discountCoupon != null) && (product != null))
    // Gets the object representing the product-coupon relationship
    SKUDiscountCouponInfo skuDicountCoupon = SKUDiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetSKUDiscountCouponInfo(product.SKUID, discountCoupon.DiscountCouponID);

    if (skuDicountCoupon != null)
        // Removes the product from the product coupon

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Deleting a product coupon

// Gets the product coupon
DiscountCouponInfo deleteCoupon = DiscountCouponInfoProvider.GetDiscountCouponInfo("NewCoupon", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

if (deleteCoupon != null)
    // Deletes the product coupon from the database

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