Add a website channel

This page is part of a series you should follow sequentially from beginning to end. Go to the first step.

The next few steps in the Kickstart series will cover the process of displaying your reusable content on a website page. Before we can create pages, we need a website channel to store them. One website channel corresponds to one site, and stores pages and their references to reusable items.

Channels and reusable content

Xperience by Kentico supports multiple channels in one Xperience instance. There are currently three types of channels to choose from: Website, Headless and Email. You can find more details in their respective documentation pages.

As you saw in the previous step, reusable items in the Content hub exist independently of channels. Editors can reference this reusable content from multiple channels at once, for example, a website and a headless channel that feeds a mobile application.

Define the channel in the admin UI

To start, sign in to your Xperience administration and navigate to Configuration → Channel Management.

Then create a new channel with the following properties:

  • Channel name: Kickstart pages
  • Identifiers → Pre-fill code name automatically: True (Enabled)
  • Channel type: Website
  • Channel size: Standard channel
  • Website domain: localhost
  • Primary language: English

screenshot of channel creation dialog

Website domain configuration

If you need more specialized domain configurations for your future projects, check out our documentation page about website channel management for more info.

Check your progress

After saving the channel, when you navigate to the dashboard, you will see your Kickstart pages channel under the Channels category in the dashboard. Additionally, a new Channels item appears on top of the left menu.

Screen recording of the admin UI dashboard, containing the Kickstart pages channel

Previous step: Create a reusable content typeNext step: Define a page content type

Completed steps: 4 of 13