Custom table data

List of examples:

Adding data records to a custom table

// Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table to which the data record will be added
string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable";

// Gets the custom table
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName);
if (customTable != null)
    // Creates a new custom table item
    CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName);

    // Sets the values for the fields of the custom table (ItemText in this case)
    newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ItemText", "New text");

    // Save the new custom table record into the database

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Loading data records from a custom table

// Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table
string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable";

// Gets the custom table
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName);
if (customTable != null)
    // Gets a custom table record with a specific primary key ID (25)
    CustomTableItem item1 = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(25, customTableClassName);

    // Gets the first custom table record whose value in the 'ItemName' field is equal to "SampleName"
    CustomTableItem item2 = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName)
                                                        .WhereEquals("ItemName", "SampleName")

    // Loads a string value from the 'ItemText' field of the 'item1' custom table record
    string itemTextValue = ValidationHelper.GetString(item1.GetValue("ItemText"), "");

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Updating the data records of a custom table

// Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table
string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable";

// Gets the custom table
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName);
if (customTable != null)
    // Gets all data records from the custom table whose 'ItemText' field value starts with 'New text'
    var customTableData = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName)
                                                        .WhereStartsWith("ItemText", "New text");

    // Loops through individual custom table records
    foreach (CustomTableItem item in customTableData)
        // Gets the text value from the data record's 'ItemText' field
        string itemText = ValidationHelper.GetString(item.GetValue("ItemText"), "");

        // Sets a new 'ItemText' value based on the old one
        item.SetValue("ItemText", itemText.ToLowerCSafe());

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Changing the order of custom table records

// Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table
string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable";

// Gets the custom table
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName);
if (customTable != null)
    // Gets a custom table record with a specific ID (25)
    CustomTableItem item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(25, customTableClassName);

    // Moves the data record down in the list

    // Moves the data record up in the list

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Deleting custom table records

// Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table from which the record will be deleted
string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable";

// Gets the custom table
DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName);
if (customTable != null)
    // Gets the first custom table record whose value in the 'ItemText' starts with 'New text'
    CustomTableItem item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName)
                                                        .WhereStartsWith("ItemText", "New text")

    if (item != null)
        // Deletes the custom table record from the database

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