Object versioning and recycle bin

List of examples:


Creating a new version of an object

// Gets an object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo newStylesheetVersion = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");
if (newStylesheetVersion != null)
    // Checks if object versioning is allowed for stylesheet objects on the current site
    if (ObjectVersionManager.AllowObjectVersioning(newStylesheetVersion))
        // Sets the properties for the stylesheet version
        newStylesheetVersion.StylesheetDisplayName = newStylesheetVersion.StylesheetDisplayName.ToLowerCSafe();

        // Adds the version to the history of the stylesheet (does not affect the current version)
        ObjectVersionManager.CreateVersion(newStylesheetVersion, CMSActionContext.CurrentUser.UserID, true);

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Rolling an object back to a previous version

// Gets an object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo stylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");
if (stylesheet != null)
    // Gets version "1.1" of the given stylesheet
    ObjectVersionHistoryInfo version = ObjectVersionHistoryInfoProvider.GetVersionHistories()
                                                                            .WhereEquals("VersionObjectID", stylesheet.StylesheetID)
                                                                            .WhereEquals("VersionObjectType", stylesheet.TypeInfo.ObjectType)
                                                                            .WhereEquals("VersionNumber", "1.1")

    if (version != null)
        // Rolls the stylesheet back to version 1.1

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Permanently deleting an object version

// Gets an object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo stylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");
if (stylesheet != null)
    // Gets the latest version of the object
    ObjectVersionHistoryInfo version = ObjectVersionManager.GetLatestVersion(stylesheet.TypeInfo.ObjectType, stylesheet.StylesheetID);

    if (version != null)
        // Permanently deletes the latest version of the object

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Clearing the version history of an object

// Gets an object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo stylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");
if (stylesheet != null)
    // Clears the version history for the specified object
    ObjectVersionManager.DestroyObjectHistory(stylesheet.TypeInfo.ObjectType, stylesheet.StylesheetID);

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Recycle bin

Deleting an object to the recycle bin

// Gets the object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo deleteStylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");

if (deleteStylesheet != null)
    // Checks if the recycle bin is enabled for objects of the given type on the current site
    if (ObjectVersionManager.AllowObjectRestore(deleteStylesheet))
        // Deletes the object (to the recycle bin)

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Permanently deleting (destroying) an object

// Gets the object (CSS stylesheet in this case)
CssStylesheetInfo stylesheet = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo("Stylesheet");
if (stylesheet != null)
    // Prepares an action context for permanently deleting objects
    using (CMSActionContext context = new CMSActionContext())
        // Disables creation of object versions for all code wrapped within the context (including recycle bin versions)
        context.CreateVersion = false;

        // Permanently deletes (destroys) the object, without creating any records in the recycle bin

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Restoring objects from the recycle bin

// Gets all CSS stylesheets from the recycle bin that were deleted by the current user
var deletedStylesheetVersions = ObjectVersionHistoryInfoProvider.GetVersionHistories()
                                        .WhereEquals("VersionObjectType", CssStylesheetInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)
                                        .WhereEquals("VersionDeletedByUserID", MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID)
                                        .OrderBy("VersionDeletedWhen DESC");

// Loops through individual deleted stylesheet objects
foreach (ObjectVersionHistoryInfo stylesheetVersion in deletedStylesheetVersions)
    // Restores the object from the recycle bin, including any child objects
    ObjectVersionManager.RestoreObject(stylesheetVersion.VersionID, true);

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