Page permissions

List of examples:

Dependency injection

Initialize required services


// Initializes all services and provider classes used within
// the API examples on this page using dependency injection
private readonly IWebPageAclManager webPageAclManager;
private readonly IContentQueryExecutor contentQueryExecutor;
private readonly IRoleInfoProvider roleInfoProvider;

public PagePermissionsServices(IContentQueryExecutor contentQueryExecutor,
                               IWebPageAclManagerFactory webPageAclManagerFactory,
                               IWebsiteChannelContext websiteChannelContext,
                               IRoleInfoProvider roleInfoProvider)

    // Creates an instance of the manager class facilitating page permission operations
    this.webPageAclManager = webPageAclManagerFactory.Create(websiteChannelContext.WebsiteChannelID);
    this.contentQueryExecutor = contentQueryExecutor;
    this.roleInfoProvider = roleInfoProvider;

> Back to list of examples

Page permissions management

Set page permissions


/* Page permissions are always set for specific roles for a particular page.
   When setting page permissions, you need to provide an instance
   of 'WebPageAclConfiguration' (metadata) that contains instances
   of 'WebPageAclRole', representing the assignment of page permissions
   to a particular role.

// Gets the id of the page for which to set page permissions
string REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = "Wonka.ChocolateReview";
var builder = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
                   .ForContentType(REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, q =>
                           .Where(w => w.WhereEquals("ReviewTitle", "Wonka Chocolate Excellence"));

var pageId = await contentQueryExecutor
                    .GetWebPageResult<int>(builder: builder, resultSelector: rowData =>
                        var pageRowId = rowData.ContentItemID;
                        return pageRowId;
                    // Retrieves the latest version of the page
                    new ContentQueryExecutionOptions() { ForPreview = true });

// Retrieves a `RoleInfo` object for the "DigitalChannelManager" role. Use the role's code name
RoleInfo selectedRole = roleInfoProvider.Get("DancingGoat.DigitalChannelManager");

// Specifies the list of page permissions to be set for the selected role
var permissionsToSet = new List<string> { WebPageAclPermissions.READ, WebPageAclPermissions.DISPLAY };

// Prepares the metadata needed for the permission assignment
var webPageAclRole = new WebPageAclRole();
webPageAclRole.RoleID = selectedRole.RoleID;
webPageAclRole.Permissions = permissionsToSet;
var webPageAclConfiguration = new WebPageAclConfiguration();

// Sets the specified page permissions for the given role on the particular page
await webPageAclManager.SetPermissions(pageId.First(), webPageAclConfiguration);

> Back to list of examples

Retrieve page permissions


// Demonstrates how to retrieve the roles and their assigned page permissions for a specific page

// Gets the id of the page for which to retrieve page permissions
string REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = "Wonka.ChocolateReview";
var builder = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
                   .ForContentType(REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, q =>
                           .Where(w => w.WhereEquals("ReviewTitle", "Wonka Chocolate Excellence"));

var pageId = await contentQueryExecutor
                    .GetWebPageResult<int>(builder: builder, resultSelector: rowData =>
                        var pageRowId = rowData.ContentItemID;
                        return pageRowId;
                    // Retrieves the latest version of the page
                    new ContentQueryExecutionOptions() { ForPreview = true });

// Retrieves a 'WebPageAclConfigurationDescriptor' instance containing:
//   - The roles and their assigned permissions for the page
//   - The id of the page that defines the retrieved page permissions
await webPageAclManager.GetPermissions(pageId.First());

> Back to list of examples

Break page permission inheritance


// Demonstrates how to break inheritance page permissions

// Gets the id of the page for which to break page permission inheritance
string REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = "Wonka.ChocolateReview";
var builder = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
                   .ForContentType(REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, q =>
                           .Where(w => w.WhereEquals("ReviewTitle", "Wonka Chocolate Excellence"));

var pageId = await contentQueryExecutor
                    .GetWebPageResult<int>(builder: builder, resultSelector: rowData =>
                        var pageRowId = rowData.ContentItemID;
                        return pageRowId;
                    // Retrieves the latest version of the page
                    new ContentQueryExecutionOptions() { ForPreview = true });

// Breaks the inheritance of page permissions for the specified page
await webPageAclManager.BreakInheritance(pageId.First());

> Back to list of examples

Restore page permission inheritance


// Demonstrates how to restore the inheritance of page permissions

// Gets the id of the page for which to break page permission inheritance
string REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE = "Wonka.ChocolateReview";
var builder = new ContentItemQueryBuilder()
                   .ForContentType(REVIEW_CONTENT_TYPE, q =>
                           .Where(w => w.WhereEquals("ReviewTitle", "Wonka Chocolate Excellence"));

var pageId = await contentQueryExecutor
                    .GetWebPageResult<int>(builder: builder, resultSelector: rowData =>
                        var pageRowId = rowData.ContentItemID;
                        return pageRowId;
                    // Retrieves the latest version of the page
                    new ContentQueryExecutionOptions() { ForPreview = true });

// Restores the inheritance of page permissions for the specified page
await webPageAclManager.RestoreInheritance(pageId.First());

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