Model website presentation components

Model website presentation components

Learn how to structure key website presentation components like headers, footers, and sidebars for a unified visual design. You’ll also discover techniques for defining and organizing page components to ensure consistency and adaptability throughout your website, empowering you to create dynamic and engaging web pages effortlessly.

Model page components HOW-TO

Uncover how to align your website’s presentation layer with your content strategy, define different presentation components for effective data display, and use page templates, sections, and widgets to tailor content based on visitors’ previous activities.

Model Page Builder sections HOW-TO

See how you can define Page Builder sections editors will use to create page’s vertical and horizontal layout, and explore options to balance editing experience with section design flexibility.

Model Page Builder widgets HOW-TO

Discover how to define Page Builder widgets and explore various types that store, reference, and display content while considering editing capabilities and content strategy impact to balance between reusability and uniqueness, all with ROI in mind.

Model landing page components HOW-TO

Explore essential landing page widgets that enhance user engagement and drive conversions by delivering the right content at each stage of the customer journey.

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